Sunday, January 16, 2011


I have the best friends and family a girl could ask for. Seriously. Last Saturday, the 8th, my mom and Kayli threw me a surprise going away party. Apparently they were planning it for weeks. I had a hunch something was going on, but not to this extent. I was not expecting the amount of people that were there. About 2 months ago, Kayli had made me clear my plans for the 8th because that was going to be “our” day before I left. Well come to find out it was a cover for my party. So Kayli comes and picks me up at my house and blindfolds me and drives to an unknown destination where when my blindfold was taken off 30 of my closest friends and family were waiting and yelled “surprise”! It was awesome to say the least. I’m going to miss everyone so much…

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