Friday, August 30, 2013


Loved my shift hours today. I got off right after the trail closed and didn’t have to close the Village. I have still yet to make it to the second half of the trail. In the past two days I haven’t made it past the Aviary. I did get to do Greeter today though. And that by far is my favorite position. You don’t have to give out animal facts and you just wave and say hi to people. I even got a compliment from a guest saying how welcoming I am J I didn’t hear it. They went to the stroller parking person from Safaris and told her. So that made my day. I was in Rehab for a little bit today (one of my least favorite). And I was standing outside the viewing area because the monkeys were up and over the viewing area where you could only see them if you were standing outside the viewing area. So I was standing there so I could point out to people where the monkeys were, but no matter what I said (“Hi folks, if you look up the monkey’s are way up on that log and this is the only view we’re going to get right now”) they still went into the viewing area and looked for them! So people completely ignored me for half an hour. Needless to say I was super happy to leave that position. And then after my second break I spent the last two hours in birds. Which is fine, it’s my second favorite position. But I did have a GROWN man spraying the birds today. He had one of those spray bottles with the fan and was spraying the birds! I was like are you freaking kidding me?! You are a grown adult. I can understand if a child was doing that. But geez…and then people were complaining that the bird guides were written on. Again…seriously. You can still read and see everything. That’s what you’re going to get when children are running around with pencils for the Wilderness Explorer booklets. And at Aviary you have a WE bag with badges and it still amazes me when people just want a sticker. You have to have a book!!! I don’t know how many times I say it a day. And everyone with a sticker is going to tell you the same thing…

Oh I also almost got ran over by a Safari truck today as well. We have to cross the path to get to the break room. Well I stopped and looked and no one was moving so I stepped out and then they decided to honk their horn and move. I’m like really? Scared me to death. But I survived. Lol. But my feet are killing me! I don’t know if I’m ever going to get use to standing for six hours straight.

I work 2:30 to 8:30 tomorrow…ugh. Which mean I’m closing the Village. And I have to be there an hour early because the buses are STUPID. I can either take the bus that gets me there at 1:35 or the one that gets me there at 2:17. Now I would take the 2:17 bus, but I timed it today and it takes me almost 15 minutes to walk from the bus to where I have to clock in. So yeah…..

Oh and the more time I spend on the trails the more I miss my camera. Like a lot. But I have decided to take my handheld camera to work and keep it in my pocket because ever now and then my position will be empty and I can snap a quick picture. This one is kind of blurry (I took it on my phone real fast) but these are my naked mole rats. Aren’t they so cute! ;)
And here’s picture I snapped of me with my WE bag in Birds J


  1. I LOVE the WE bag. I wish we could afford to make a trip with Colten while you're there.

  2. When I'm spending all day working on my feet in my boots, I double up on socks. The more cushioning the better. It's hot but I don't have big blisters at the end of the day. Might give it a shot. Miss ya, Bear!!
